Definition of jail


nhà giam


The word "jail" originally comes from the Old Norse word "gæl," which was pronounced as "gael." This word was used to refer to a type of dwelling that was typically used to house animals, but could also serve as a place of confinement for people who had committed minor offenses. When the Norse language arrived in England during the Viking invasions of the 9th century, the English borrowed the word for their own use. They replaced the gael sound with the letter "i," and "jail" was born. In its early stages, "jail" was limited to use in criminal justice contexts. It was applied to various types of prisons or lockups, depending on the time period and location. In medieval England, for instance, jails were typically found inside of castles or sheriffs' homes, and were used to keep not only prisoners, but also debtors. Today, the meaning of "jail" has come to more precisely refer to a place of confinement for people who have been legally convicted of crimes and sentenced to serve time. The exact conditions and amenities of jails, however, can vary widely by location and jurisdiction, resulting in a range of experiences for incarcerated individuals. Looking back at the origins of the word "jail," one might say that the journey of this word has been a rather unexpected one, as it started as a term for an animal dwelling and has since come to signify a place of human confinement. Regardless, its roots continue to be felt today as we consider issues related to criminal justice, imprisonment, and human rights.

  • After being arrested for negligent driving, the accused was sent to jail.

    Sau khi bị bắt vì tội lái xe cẩu thả, người bị cáo buộc đã bị đưa vào tù.

  • The criminal served five years in jail for his involvement in a bank robbery.

    Tên tội phạm đã phải ngồi tù năm năm vì liên quan đến vụ cướp ngân hàng.

  • The police took the suspect into custody and threw him in jail without bail.

    Cảnh sát đã bắt giữ nghi phạm và giam giữ mà không được tại ngoại.

  • The judge delivered a strict sentence and sentenced the defendant to a year in jail.

    Thẩm phán đã đưa ra bản án nghiêm khắc và tuyên bị cáo mức án một năm tù.

  • The prison authorities moved the inmate to a new cell in the jail to avoid any potential conflicts.

    Các nhà chức trách nhà tù đã chuyển tù nhân đến một phòng giam mới để tránh mọi xung đột tiềm ẩn.

  • The authorities invoke Rule 3 of the Prison Rules, which allows for the temporary confinement of a person in jail.

    Chính quyền áp dụng Quy định số 3 của Quy định nhà tù, cho phép tạm giam một người trong tù.

  • The accused was remanded in jail custody pending his next court appearance.

    Bị cáo đã bị tạm giam cho đến khi ra hầu tòa lần tiếp theo.

  • Law enforcement officials raided the suspected drug ring and took eight members of the organization into jail.

    Các quan chức thực thi pháp luật đã đột kích vào đường dây ma túy bị tình nghi và bắt giữ tám thành viên của tổ chức này.

  • The anarchist group protested outside the jail gates, calling for the immediate release of their comrades.

    Nhóm vô chính phủ đã biểu tình bên ngoài cổng nhà tù, kêu gọi trả tự do ngay lập tức cho đồng chí của họ.

  • The inmate's family begged the prison officials to issue him parole so that he could remain under house arrest instead of being sent back to jail.

    Gia đình tù nhân đã cầu xin các viên chức nhà tù ân xá cho anh ta để anh ta có thể tiếp tục bị quản thúc tại gia thay vì bị đưa trở lại nhà tù.

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