Definition of inwards


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The word "inwards" originated from the Old English word "inweard," which literally means "toward the inside." It is a combination of the preposition "in" and the adjective "weard," meaning "turned toward." Over time, "inweard" evolved into "inward" and then "inwards." The "s" at the end indicates a plural or a general direction, as in "the ship sailed inwards." Therefore, "inwards" essentially describes a movement or direction towards the inside of something.


towards the inside or centre

về phía bên trong hoặc trung tâm

  • The door opens inwards.

    Cánh cửa mở vào trong.

towards yourself and your interests

đối với bản thân và sở thích của bạn

  • Her thoughts turned inwards.

    Suy nghĩ của cô hướng vào trong.

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