Definition of intersect


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The word "intersect" derives from the Latin prefix "inter-" meaning "between" or "among," and the verb "secto," meaning "cut" or "divide." In its earliest recorded use in the 14th century, "intersect" referred specifically to the intersection point of two straight lines when they were drawn by hand with a stylus on a wax tablet. Over time, as geometry evolved and complex figures came into existence, the meaning of intersect expanded to describe the act of two or more lines, curves, or surfaces meeting or crossing one another. Today, the term "intersect" has taken on additional connotations in various domains, such as computer science, where it describes the points where computer programs, data, or networks converge, or urban planning, where it is used to describe areas where different roads, railroads, or urban spaces intersect. The versatile nature of this word is a testament to its rich historical background and its enduring significance in a variety of fields.


to meet or cross each other

gặp nhau hoặc vượt qua nhau

  • a pattern of intersecting streets

    một mô hình đường phố giao nhau

  • The lines intersect at right angles.

    Các đường giao nhau ở góc bên phải.

  • The path intersected with a busy road.

    Con đường giao nhau với một con đường đông đúc.

to divide an area by crossing it

để phân chia một khu vực bằng cách vượt qua nó

  • The landscape is intersected with spectacular gorges.

    Cảnh quan giao nhau với những hẻm núi hùng vĩ.

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