Definition of intermediate


trung cấp


The word "intermediate" derives from the Latin prefix "inter-," meaning "between" or "among," and the Middle English word "mediat," which referred to both physical and figurative positions in between two other items or concepts. By the 16th century, "intermediate" was commonly used in both its physical and figurative senses, particularly in academic and intellectual contexts to describe a stage or level between two other stages or levels. Its usage has evolved over time, but it still holds the meaning of being situated in the middle of a progression, series, or range. In modern scholarship and communication, intermediate plays an important role in scientific, mathematical, and technological disciplines, where it denotes a functional or performance level between standard operational conditions and extreme or failure states. Whether it's in learning, ranking, performance, or physical location, "intermediate" signifies a state or stage situated somewhere between two other states or stages.


located between two places, things, states, etc.

nằm giữa hai địa điểm, sự vật, trạng thái, v.v.

  • an intermediate stage/step in a process

    một giai đoạn/bước trung gian trong một quy trình

  • Liquid crystals are considered to be intermediate between liquid and solid.

    Tinh thể lỏng được coi là chất trung gian giữa chất lỏng và chất rắn.

having more than a basic knowledge of something but not yet advanced; suitable for somebody who is at this level

có nhiều hơn kiến ​​thức cơ bản về một điều gì đó nhưng chưa nâng cao; phù hợp với ai đó ở cấp độ này

  • an intermediate skier/student

    một vận động viên trượt tuyết/học sinh trung cấp

  • an intermediate coursebook

    một giáo trình trung cấp

  • pre-/upper-intermediate classes

    các lớp tiền trung cấp/trên trung cấp