Definition of interchange


trao đổi


The term "interchange" in its modern usage, stems from the field of transportation and logistics. It refers to a location where two or more transportation networks connect, allowing the transfer or exchange of goods and passengers between them. In the early 20th century, interchanges were primarily associated with rail transport, where the movement of trains from one line to another required special infrastructure, such as sidings and turntables. As road transport grew in popularity, interchanges became a major feature of urban and suburban development, allowing for the seamless transfer of goods and people between trucks, trains, buses, and other forms of public transportation. The verb form of the word "interchange" (meaning to exchange or switch between networks) also reflects this transport-focused origin, with references to "interchanging" a train, bus, or truck in everyday language. Overall, the word "interchange" highlights the importance of efficient and integrated transportation networks, which can promote economic growth, reduce congestion, and improve mobility for commuters and businesses alike.


the act of sharing or exchanging something, especially ideas or information

hành động chia sẻ hoặc trao đổi một cái gì đó, đặc biệt là ý tưởng hoặc thông tin

  • a continuous interchange of ideas

    sự trao đổi liên tục các ý tưởng

  • electronic data interchange

    trao đổi dữ liệu điện tử

a place where a road joins a major road such as a motorway or interstate, designed so that vehicles leaving or joining the road do not have to cross other lines of traffic

nơi mà một con đường nối với một con đường lớn như đường cao tốc hoặc đường liên bang, được thiết kế sao cho các phương tiện đi hoặc vào đường không phải băng qua các tuyến giao thông khác

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