Definition of instant


lập tức


The word "instant" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "instant" means "present" or "existing now", and is derived from the verb "instare", which means "to stand in" or "to be ready". This verb is also the source of other English words such as "instantly" and "instantaneous". In Old French, the Latin word "instant" was borrowed and evolved into "enstant", which referred to something that is present or happening in the present moment. This Old French word was then borrowed into Middle English as "instant", retaining the sense of something being present or happening now. Over time, the meaning of the word "instant" has expanded to include concepts such as speed, quickness, and immediacy, as seen in phrases like "instant coffee" or "instant messaging". Despite its etymological roots in the concept of presence, the modern meaning of "instant" is often associated with rapidity and swiftness rather than temporal proximity.


happening immediately

xảy ra ngay lập tức

  • This account gives you instant access to your money.

    Tài khoản này cho phép bạn truy cập ngay vào tiền của mình.

  • The show was an instant success.

    Buổi biểu diễn đã thành công ngay lập tức.

  • People today seem to want instant gratification.

    Mọi người ngày nay dường như muốn sự hài lòng ngay lập tức.

Extra examples:
  • She took an instant dislike to me, the first time we met.

    Cô ấy ngay lập tức không ưa tôi ngay lần đầu chúng tôi gặp nhau.

  • There is no instant solution to the problem of rising crime.

    Không có giải pháp tức thời cho vấn đề tội phạm gia tăng.

Related words and phrases

that can be made quickly and easily, usually by adding hot water

có thể được thực hiện nhanh chóng và dễ dàng, thường bằng cách thêm nước nóng

  • instant coffee

    cà phê hòa tan