Definition of indisposed


bị ảnh hưởng


The word "indisposed" originated in Middle English during the 14th century. Its ancestor, the Old French word "enespois," meant "unwell" and referred to a person who was not in a position to carry out their usual activities due to illness or injury. The Old French word "enespois" itself had a Latin root, "in-" meaning "not" and "dis-" meaning "apart," which combined to create a word, "indispositus," meaning "not arranged" or "not prepared." When the word "indisposed" was adopted into Middle English, it retained its meaning of "unwell" or "unable to perform usual duties." Over time, it evolved to include other related meanings such as "feeling ill" and "unable to do something due to unexpected circumstances." Today, "indisposed" is commonly used to describe someone who is sick or has unexpectedly become unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. It is often followed by a phrase that explains the reason for the person's inability to do something, such as "indisposed with a cold" or "indisposed due to personal reasons." In summary, the word "indisposed" comes from the Old French "enespois," which was derived from the Latin "indispositus." Its meaning initially referred to someone who was unable to carry out their normal duties due to ill health, and it has since evolved to include other such meanings.


unable to do something because you are ill, or for a reason you do not want to give

không thể làm điều gì đó vì bạn bị ốm hoặc vì một lý do nào đó mà bạn không muốn cống hiến

  • She cannot perform tonight as she is indisposed.

    Cô ấy không thể biểu diễn tối nay vì cô ấy không khỏe.

Related words and phrases

not willing to do something

không sẵn lòng làm điều gì đó

  • Large sections of the potential audience seemed indisposed to attend.

    Một bộ phận lớn khán giả tiềm năng dường như không muốn tham dự.