Definition of incidental


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The word "incidental" comes from the Latin "incidentalis," meaning "happening by chance" or "occurring accidentally." This word was adopted into English in the 16th century, primarily as a legal term to describe things that happened during a court case but were not directly related to the main issues at hand. In the original legal sense, incidental referred to matters that were not essential or material to the case, but nevertheless had to be dealt with in the course of the proceedings. This use of the term can still be seen in modern law, where incidental refers to issues that are subsidiary or accidental to the main issue being adjudicated. In everyday usage, "incidental" has acquired a more general meaning, referring to things that happen as a side effect or by chance, rather than being directly intended or planned. For example, one might say that a side effect of taking a certain medication is an incidental loss of hair, since this is an unintended consequence that occurs separately from the medication's intended effect. The broad range of meanings for "incidental" in everyday usage has led some people to disagree about the precise definition of the term, particularly when it comes to legal or philosophical discussions of justice or fairness. In such contexts, incidental may have different connotations depending on the specific context in which it is being used. In summary, the word "incidental" comes from Latin, where it referred to things that happened by chance or accidental to legal cases. Its modern usage has broadened to cover any side effect or accidental consequence, but its meaning is not entirely clear in all contexts.


happening in connection with something else, but not as important as it, or not intended

xảy ra liên quan đến cái gì khác, nhưng không quan trọng bằng nó, hoặc không có chủ ý

  • The discovery was incidental to their main research.

    Việc phát hiện này là ngẫu nhiên đối với nghiên cứu chính của họ.

  • incidental music (= music used with a play or a film to give atmosphere)

    âm nhạc ngẫu nhiên (= âm nhạc được sử dụng trong một vở kịch hoặc một bộ phim để tạo không khí)

  • You may be able to get help with incidental expenses (= small costs that you have in connection with something).

    Bạn có thể nhận được trợ giúp về các chi phí phát sinh (= chi phí nhỏ mà bạn có liên quan đến điều gì đó).

Extra examples:
  • Information skills are not merely incidental to the curriculum but central to it.

    Kỹ năng thông tin không chỉ đơn thuần là thứ yếu trong chương trình giảng dạy mà còn là trung tâm của nó.

  • The fact that the concert made a profit was considered incidental.

    Việc buổi hòa nhạc thu được lợi nhuận được coi là ngẫu nhiên.

happening as a natural result of something

xảy ra như là kết quả tự nhiên của một cái gì đó

  • These risks are incidental to the work of a firefighter.

    Những rủi ro này là ngẫu nhiên đối với công việc của lính cứu hỏa.

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