Definition of incendiary


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The word "incendiary" derives from the Latin word "incendiarius" meaning "setter on fire" or "torch-bearer". In ancient Rome, incendiaries were individuals who were hired or compelled to set fire to buildings during sieges, as a way of weakening an enemy's defenses. This tactic was widely used during medieval times as well, and incendiaries played a significant role in various wars and conflicts throughout history, particularly in urban areas. In modern usage, "incendiary" describes anything that is designed to start a fire or cause an explosion, such as incendiary bombs, bullets, or devices. It may also refer to a person who promotes or spreads inflammatory ideas or propaganda, potentially leading to violent conflict or social unrest. The word's origin, therefore, reflects its continued relevance in both military strategy and sociopolitical discourse today.


designed to cause fires

được thiết kế để gây ra hỏa hoạn

  • an incendiary device/bomb/attack

    một thiết bị gây cháy/quả bom/tấn công

causing strong feelings or violence

gây ra cảm giác mạnh mẽ hoặc bạo lực

  • incendiary remarks

    nhận xét mang tính kích động

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