Definition of incapacity


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The word "incapacity" is derived from the Latin words "in" meaning "not" or "reverse of," and "capax" meaning "capable" or "able to take." Thus, "incapacity" essentially means the opposite of being capable or unable to do something. In legal terms, incapacity refers to the state of being unable to perform certain actions due to mental or physical constraints. It can result from conditions such as dementia, cognitive impairment, serious injury or illness, or disability, among others. In the context of law, incapacity can affect a person's ability to make decisions, execute contracts, or manage their affairs, and may require the appointment of a legal guardian or conservator to make decisions on their behalf. The concept of incapacity is critical in areas of law such as wills, trusts, and estate planning, as it affects an individual's capacity to execute legal documents and make important end-of-life decisions.


lack of ability or skill

thiếu khả năng hoặc kỹ năng

  • their incapacity to govern effectively

    họ không có khả năng quản lý hiệu quả

Related words and phrases

the state of being too ill to do your work or take care of yourself

tình trạng quá ốm yếu để làm việc hoặc chăm sóc bản thân

  • She returned to work after a long period of incapacity.

    Cô trở lại làm việc sau một thời gian dài mất khả năng lao động.

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