Definition of imperative


bắt buộc


The word "imperative" comes from the Latin word "imperativus," which means "commanding" or "imperious." In Roman law, an imperativus was an order or command given by a superior. The word was later adopted into the French language as "imperatif," which referred to the imperative mood in a verb. The French used this term to describe the form of a verb that was used for giving commands or expressed urgency. In the 17th century, English writers such as John Dryden and Jonathan Swift began using the term "imperative" in their works, often in the context of grammar and rhetoric. They used it to refer to the form of a verb that expressed a command or instruction. Over time, the meaning of "imperative" has expanded to include not just verbs, but also nouns and adjectives that convey a sense of necessity or urgency. But the original sense of the word as a commanding or authoritative form of a verb remains central to its current meaning. So, the origin of the word "imperative" can be traced back to the Latin word "imperativus" and its use in Roman law to describe a commanding order or instruction given by a superior.


very important and needing immediate attention or action

rất quan trọng và cần được quan tâm hoặc hành động ngay lập tức

  • It is absolutely imperative that we finish by next week.

    Điều tuyệt đối bắt buộc là chúng ta phải hoàn thành vào tuần tới.

  • It is imperative to continue the treatment for at least two months.

    Bắt buộc phải tiếp tục điều trị trong ít nhất hai tháng.

Extra examples:
  • The collapse of the wall made it imperative to keep the water out by some other means.

    Sự sụp đổ của bức tường buộc phải ngăn nước bằng một số phương tiện khác.

  • We consider it absolutely imperative to start work immediately.

    Chúng tôi coi việc bắt đầu công việc ngay lập tức là hoàn toàn bắt buộc.

Related words and phrases

expressing authority

thể hiện quyền lực

  • an imperative tone

    một giai điệu bắt buộc

expressing an order

thể hiện một mệnh lệnh

  • an imperative sentence

    một câu mệnh lệnh

Related words and phrases

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