Definition of immaculate


Vô nhiễm


The word "immaculate" is derived from the Latin adjective immaculatus, which means "free from any stain, spot, or wrinkle." In Christian theology, the term specifically refers to the Virgin Mary, who is believed to have been conceived without original sin. This concept, known as the Immaculate Conception, says that Mary was preserved from the taint of original sin from the moment of her conception, rather than being cleansed of it at baptism like other people. This doctrine was officially defined by Pope Pius IX in the papal bull Ineffabilis Deus in 1854. The word immaculate has also been used in other contexts to describe things that are perfect, pure, or untouched by sin. In athletics, for example, an "immaculate reception" refers to a touchdown catch in American football that seems almost too perfect to be true. In literature, an "immaculate image" is a vivid and powerful description that seems to jump off the page. In general, the word immaculate signifies something that is flawless, pristine, and untouched by imperfection or sin.


perfectly clean and tidy, with no marks or flaws

hoàn toàn sạch sẽ và gọn gàng, không có dấu vết hay sai sót

  • She always looks immaculate.

    Cô ấy luôn trông vô nhiễm.

  • an immaculate uniform/room

    một bộ đồng phục/phòng sạch sẽ

  • The property is in immaculate condition.

    Tài sản ở trong tình trạng nguyên vẹn.

  • The suit he was wearing was immaculate.

    Bộ đồ anh ấy đang mặc thật hoàn hảo.

  • Though old, the books were in immaculate condition.

    Tuy cũ nhưng sách vẫn trong tình trạng nguyên vẹn.

Related words and phrases

containing no mistakes or faults

không chứa sai sót hoặc sai sót

  • an immaculate performance

    một màn trình diễn hoàn hảo

  • The incident ruined an otherwise immaculate safety record.

    Vụ việc đã phá hỏng một hồ sơ an toàn hoàn hảo.

  • His sense of timing was immaculate.

    Cảm giác về thời gian của anh ấy thật hoàn hảo.

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