Definition of hyperspace


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The term "hyperspace" has its roots in science fiction and was first coined by science fiction author H.G. Wells in his 1895 novel "The Time Machine." In the book, Wells describes a fourth dimension that exists in addition to the three spatial dimensions we're familiar with. This idea was further developed by science fiction authors like E.E. Smith, who wrote about "hyperspace" as a realm that allowed faster-than-light travel. The term gained popularity in the 1960s with the release of the Star Wars franchise, which featured a "hyperspace" in its characters' voyages between stars. In the context of science fiction, hyperspace often refers to a realm or dimension that exists outside of the normal laws of physics, allowing for faster travel or communication between distant points in the universe. While the concept of hyperspace is still purely fictional, it has had a lasting impact on popular culture and continues to inspire scientific imagination.


space that consists of more than three dimensions

không gian bao gồm nhiều hơn ba chiều

a situation in which it is possible to travel faster than light

một tình huống mà có thể di chuyển nhanh hơn ánh sáng