Definition of hustle


chen lấn


The word "hustle" has undergone significant changes in its meaning and connotation over the centuries. Its origins can be traced back to the 14th century, when it was a Middle English term meaning "to hurry" or "to move with speed." It was often used to describe rapid movement or a sense of urgency. In the 19th century, the word took on a more negative connotation, describing someone who was trying to cheat or swindle others. This sense of the word is still used today, implying a certain level of dishonesty or deception. In recent years, particularly with the rise of hip-hop and entrepreneurial culture, the term "hustle" has taken on a more positive meaning, describing hard work, dedication, and perseverance in pursuit of one's goals. This modern usage of the word emphasizes the importance of graft and resourcefulness, and is often used to describe someone who is willing to put in the effort to achieve success.


to make somebody move quickly by pushing them in a rough aggressive way

làm cho ai đó di chuyển nhanh chóng bằng cách đẩy họ một cách thô bạo và hung hãn

  • He grabbed her arm and hustled her out of the room.

    Anh nắm lấy tay cô và đẩy cô ra khỏi phòng.

  • I was hustled into a waiting car.

    Tôi bị đẩy vào một chiếc xe đang chờ sẵn.

  • She was hustled away by some police officers.

    Cô đã bị một số cảnh sát đẩy đi.

to force somebody to make a decision before they are ready or sure

buộc ai đó đưa ra quyết định trước khi họ sẵn sàng hoặc chắc chắn

  • All the family felt that Stephen had been hustled into the engagement by Claire.

    Cả gia đình đều cảm thấy rằng Stephen đã bị Claire hối thúc tham gia lễ đính hôn.

to sell or obtain something, often illegally

bán hoặc có được một cái gì đó, thường là bất hợp pháp

  • to hustle dope

    để hối hả dope

  • They survive by hustling on the streets.

    Họ sống sót bằng cách hối hả trên đường phố.

to act in an aggressive way or with a lot of energy

hành động một cách hung hăng hoặc với rất nhiều năng lượng

to work as a prostitute

đi làm gái mại dâm

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