Definition of husky




The word "husky" originated from the indigenous Siberian Yupik language. It comes from the word "esky," which refers to the indigenous people of the Chukchi Peninsula in Siberia, where the breed originated. The Chukchi people were known for their sled dogs, and European explorers likely adopted the word "esky" to describe these dogs, eventually evolving into "husky." The name eventually became associated with the Siberian Husky breed.


sounding deep, quiet and rough, sometimes in an attractive way

nghe có vẻ sâu lắng, lặng lẽ và thô ráp, đôi khi theo một cách hấp dẫn

  • She spoke in a husky whisper.

    Cô nói bằng giọng thì thầm khàn khàn.

  • Your voice has gone all husky.

    Giọng của bạn đã khàn đi rồi.

  • Sorry, I’m a bit husky today—I’ve got a sore throat.

    Xin lỗi, hôm nay tôi hơi khàn - tôi bị đau họng.

with a large, strong body

với thân hình to lớn, khỏe mạnh

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