Definition of huff




The word "huff" originally referred to the act of breathing heavily through the nose as a way to express annoyance, disapproval, or disgust. This usage can be traced back to the late 16th century when the word "huffen" was used in this sense. Over time, the phrase "to huff and puff" became a popular idiom, associated with the blowing of wind by the three little pigs' wolf in the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs." This has further contributed to the modern understanding of "huff" as a verb, meaning to breathe heavily or exasperatedly. In some regional dialects, the word "huff" has also been used to describe a short journey, particularly by horse-drawn carriages or buggies, possibly due to the puffing and huffing of the horses' efforts.


to breathe in a noisy way because you are very tired

thở một cách ồn ào vì bạn đang rất mệt mỏi

  • Jack was huffing and puffing to keep up with her.

    Jack đang giận dữ và thở hổn hển để theo kịp cô.

to make it obvious that you are annoyed about something without doing anything to change the situation

để làm cho nó rõ ràng rằng bạn đang khó chịu về điều gì đó mà không làm gì để thay đổi tình hình

  • After much huffing and puffing, she finally agreed to help.

    Sau nhiều lần giận dữ và thở hổn hển, cuối cùng cô cũng đồng ý giúp đỡ.

Related words and phrases



huff and puff
to breathe in a noisy way because you are very tired
  • Jack was huffing and puffing to keep up with her.
  • to make it obvious that you are annoyed about something without doing anything to change the situation
  • After much huffing and puffing, she finally agreed to help.