Definition of huddle


khó khăn


The origin of the word "huddle" can be traced back to Middle English, specifically the late 14th century. At that time, the word was spelled "hudlen" and meant "to push or force together." The origin of the word is uncertain, but one possible explanation is that it comes from an Old English word, "huddrian," which meant "to press together." Another theory is that the word may have originated from the Old Norse "hýddla," which meant "to council" or "to consult." This theory suggests that the word's current meaning of "clustering together closely" developed over time as a result of people huddling closer together when consulting or making decisions. Regardless of its exact origins, by the 16th century, the modern spelling and meaning of "huddle" were established, and it was used to describe people or animals clustering together closely, often for warmth or protection. Today, the term is commonly used in sports to describe a group of players huddling together before or during a game to discuss strategy.


to gather closely together, usually because of cold or fear

tụ tập chặt chẽ với nhau, thường là vì lạnh hoặc sợ hãi

  • We huddled together for warmth.

    Chúng tôi rúc vào nhau để sưởi ấm.

  • They all huddled around the fire.

    Tất cả đều xúm xít quanh đống lửa.

  • People huddled up close to each other.

    Mọi người chen chúc gần nhau.

to hold your arms and legs close to your body, usually because you are cold or frightened

ôm tay và chân sát vào cơ thể, thường là vì bạn lạnh hoặc sợ hãi

  • I huddled under a blanket on the floor.

    Tôi co ro dưới tấm chăn trên sàn nhà.

Extra examples:
  • Felipe sat huddled in his chair.

    Felipe ngồi co ro trên ghế.

  • He slept, huddled in an armchair.

    Anh ngủ, co ro trên ghế bành.

  • Karen was huddled against the wall.

    Karen đang nép sát vào tường.

  • She found him huddled in a corner, shaking violently.

    Cô thấy anh đang co ro trong một góc, run rẩy dữ dội.

  • She lay huddled under the blankets.

    Cô nằm co ro dưới chăn.

to have a private conversation in a small group

để có một cuộc trò chuyện riêng tư trong một nhóm nhỏ

  • The President and his advisers huddled at the end of the table.

    Tổng thống và các cố vấn của ông ngồi co ro ở cuối bàn.

  • The coach huddled with his defense to give the game plan.

    Huấn luyện viên rúc vào hàng phòng ngự của mình để đưa ra kế hoạch thi đấu.