Definition of howl



The origins of the word "howl" can be traced back to the Old English word "hulián" or "hulan," which meant "to make loud noises, cry, or yowl, especially in a hulking or fearful way." Although today the word "howl" is most commonly associated with the sound of wolves, the original meaning of the word referred to any loud and fearsome noise. Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to refer specifically to the sound made by wolves and other wild canids. In Middle English, the word "houlen" began to appear to describe the wolf's howl, and by the 15th century, the modern form of the word "howl" was established. The origin of the word is unclear, but it is thought that "hulián" may have evolved from the Germanic root "hulon," which meant "rough, rugged, or wild," or from the Old Norse "hulr," which meant "monster." In any case, the word "howl" has come to be a powerful and evocative description of the primal and haunting sound made by wolves in the wild.


to make a long, loud call

để thực hiện một cuộc gọi dài và to

  • the sound of wolves howling in the night

    tiếng sói tru trong đêm

to make a loud noise when you are angry, in pain, etc. or you find something funny

gây ra tiếng động lớn khi bạn tức giận, đau đớn, v.v. hoặc bạn thấy điều gì đó buồn cười

  • The child howled in pain.

    Đứa trẻ rú lên đau đớn.

  • We howled with laughter.

    Chúng tôi cười rú lên.

  • The baby was howling (= crying loudly) all the time I was there.

    Đứa bé đang hú (= khóc to) suốt thời gian tôi ở đó.

to blow hard and make a long loud noise

thổi mạnh và tạo ra một tiếng động lớn dài

  • The wind was howling around the house.

    Gió gào thét quanh nhà.

to say something loudly and angrily

nói điều gì đó to và giận dữ

  • The crowd howled its displeasure.

    Đám đông hú hét bất mãn.

  • ‘Ouch!’ howled Ricky.

    ‘Ối!’ Ricky hú lên.

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