Definition of hourly


hàng giờ


The word "hourly" originated in the 14th century from the Old English words "hour" meaning "time" and the suffix "-ly" which forms an adverb indicating frequency or manner. Initially, "hourly" meant "at each hour" or "toward the hour", referring to the time of day. Over time, the meaning expanded to describe actions or events that occur at regular intervals of one hour. In the 17th century, "hourly" began to be used to describe payments or wages given at regular hourly intervals, such as hourly wages or hourly rates. This usage is thought to have arisen from the practice of dividing the day into hourly periods for work or labor. Today, "hourly" is commonly used to describe not just time intervals but also schedules, rates, or frequencies related to one hour.


done or happening every hour

đã làm hoặc đang xảy ra mỗi giờ

  • an hourly bus service

    dịch vụ xe buýt hàng giờ

  • Trains leave at hourly intervals.

    Tàu khởi hành cách nhau một giờ.

Related words and phrases

an hourly wage, fee, rate, etc. is the amount that you earn every hour or pay for a service every hour

tiền lương theo giờ, phí, tỷ giá, v.v. là số tiền bạn kiếm được mỗi giờ hoặc trả cho một dịch vụ mỗi giờ

  • an hourly rate of $30 an hour

    mức lương theo giờ là 30 đô la một giờ

Related words and phrases