Definition of hone


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The word "hone" is an Old English word that Developed from the verb "hnōn," meaning "to polish." It comes from the Proto-Germanic root "khunan," which originally referred to the action of cutting or sharpening an object, such as a sword or knife. The word "hone" was once more widely used in its original Polishing sense, as evidenced by its use in literary works such as "Beowulf." By the Middle English period around the 13th century, the term began to develop a more specific connotation in English, becoming associated with the sharpening of weapons and tools rather than polishing glass or metal surfaces. In modern English, however, the meaning of "hone" has expanded to encompass more contexts and objects, referring not just to the honing of knives, but to mental skills and personal qualities as well. For example, a student might be "honing" their math skills, or a writer might "hone" their writing craft. This broader usage of "hone" likely stems from the concept of honing and fine-tuning existing abilities instead of merely refreshing or polishing them.


to develop and improve something, especially a skill, over a period of time

để phát triển và cải thiện một cái gì đó, đặc biệt là một kỹ năng, trong một khoảng thời gian

  • She honed her debating skills at college.

    Cô mài giũa kỹ năng tranh luận của mình ở trường đại học.

  • It was a finely honed piece of writing.

    Đó là một bài viết được mài giũa tinh xảo.

  • His body was honed to perfection.

    Cơ thể của anh ấy đã được mài giũa đến mức hoàn hảo.

to make a knife or other tool sharp or sharper

làm cho con dao hoặc dụng cụ khác trở nên sắc bén hơn

  • The knife had been honed to razor sharpness.

    Con dao đã được mài đến mức sắc như dao cạo.

  • The hook should be honed to a needle-sharp point.

    Móc phải được mài đến điểm nhọn như kim.

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