Definition of holism


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The term "holism" originated in the early 20th century as an intellectual response to the growing dominance of scientific reductionism, which views complex phenomena as nothing more than the sum of their component parts. Jan Smuts, a South African statesman and philosopher, coined the term in 1926 in his book "Holism and Evolution." Smuts defined holism as the study of wholes, or systems, in contrast to the study of their parts. This approach acknowledges that systems have properties and behaviors that cannot be understood simply by analyzing their constituent parts. In other words, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Smuts derived the term "holism" from the Greek word "holos," which means whole or complete. The concept of holism is closely related to other philosophical and scientific movements, such as holistic medicine, Gestalt psychology, and systems theory. In the context of healthcare, holism emphasizes the importance of addressing the whole person, including their emotional, social, and spiritual well-being, in order to promote optimal health and healing. Holistic medical practices often incorporate alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, and meditation, in addition to conventional Western medicine. Holism has also been applied in other fields, such as business, education, and the arts, where it is used to describe a holistic or integrated approach to problem-solving, learning, and creative expression. Ultimately, holism encourages us to view the world as an interconnected and interdependent whole, rather than as a collection of separate and discrete parts.


the idea that the whole of something must be considered in order to understand its different parts

ý tưởng cho rằng toàn bộ một cái gì đó phải được xem xét để hiểu các bộ phận khác nhau của nó

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ý tưởng rằng toàn bộ người bệnh, bao gồm cơ thể, tâm trí và lối sống của họ, nên được xem xét khi điều trị cho họ, chứ không chỉ các triệu chứng (= tác động) của bệnh

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