Definition of hoarding


tích trữ


The word "hoarding" has its roots in Old English and Middle English. In Old English, the word "hōarding" referred to the act of storing or accumulating food, especially grains and other edible goods. This sense of hoarding was likely influenced by the Anglo-Saxon tradition of storing food and supplies during times of scarcity. During the Middle English period (circa 11th-15th centuries), the meaning of "hoarding" expanded to include the act of storing or collecting valuable items, such as treasure, riches, or precious goods. This sense of hoarding was often used to describe the accumulation of wealth or valuable objects. In modern English, the word "hoarding" has taken on a broader meaning, encompassing not only the accumulation of material goods but also the excessive or compulsive storage or collection of items, including clutter and possessions.


a large board on the outside of a building or at the side of the road, used for displaying advertisements

một tấm bảng lớn ở bên ngoài tòa nhà hoặc bên lề đường, dùng để hiển thị quảng cáo

  • advertising hoardings

    biển quảng cáo

a temporary fence made of boards that is placed around an area of land until a building has been built

hàng rào tạm thời làm bằng ván được đặt xung quanh một khu đất cho đến khi tòa nhà được xây dựng xong

the act of collecting and keeping large amounts of food, money, etc., often secretly

hành động thu thập và giữ một lượng lớn thực phẩm, tiền bạc, v.v., thường là bí mật

  • Consumer hoarding of limited goods, such as gasoline and paper, is creating shortages in stores.

    Việc người tiêu dùng tích trữ những hàng hóa hạn chế như xăng và giấy đang gây ra tình trạng thiếu hụt tại các cửa hàng.

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