Definition of hiccup




The word "hiccup" has a long and interesting etymology that dates back to Old English. The Old English term for a hiccup was "hickeglian," which meant "to choke." The modern term "hiccup" originated from the Middle English word "hiccum," which came from the Old French "hiccessem" or "hiccussus," which in turn came from the Latin "hiccums" or "hiccusionem." In Middle English, the word was often spelled "hosbiggen," "hussenggiden," or "hikesinggen," which gave way to the more familiar "hiccup" in the 15th century. The origins of the word "hiccup" are closely tied to the physiological phenomenon itself. A hiccup is caused by a sudden, involuntary contraction of the diaphragm, which temporarily interrupts the normal breathing pattern. The sound of a hiccup is produced when air is suddenly drawn into the lungs during this contraction. As the term "hiccup" reflects, the sound of a hiccup is distinctively audible and recognizable, making it a common subject of colloquial language and slang expressions. In addition to its original Old English meaning of "to choke," the term "hiccup" has also been used to describe other choking-related phenomena, such as the hiccups of animals or the hiccups caused by drinking too much. Despite its origins, the word "hiccup" is now firmly entrenched in everyday language, and its usage remains essentially unchanged from its Middle English roots. It continues to be a frequently used term to describe the sudden, involuntary contractions that cause the distinctive sound known as a hiccup.


a sharp, usually repeated, sound made in the throat, that is caused by a sudden movement of the diaphragm and that you cannot control

một âm thanh sắc nét, thường lặp đi lặp lại trong cổ họng, được gây ra bởi sự chuyển động đột ngột của cơ hoành và bạn không thể kiểm soát được

  • She gave a loud hiccup.

    Cô nấc một tiếng lớn.

a series of hiccups

một loạt trục trặc

  • I ate too quickly and got hiccups.

    Tôi ăn quá nhanh và bị nấc.

  • He had the hiccups.

    Anh ấy bị nấc cụt.

  • He suddenly had an attack of the hiccups.

    Anh ấy đột nhiên bị một cơn nấc cụt.

a small problem or temporary delay

một vấn đề nhỏ hoặc sự chậm trễ tạm thời

  • There was a slight hiccup in the timetable.

    Có một chút trục trặc trong lịch trình.

  • We’ve planned it down to the last detail—we don’t want any unexpected hiccups.

    Chúng tôi đã lên kế hoạch đến từng chi tiết cuối cùng—chúng tôi không muốn có bất kỳ trục trặc bất ngờ nào.

Extra examples:
  • This one defeat was the only hiccup in the team's steady progress up the League.

    Trận thua này là trục trặc duy nhất trong quá trình thăng tiến ổn định của đội lên Liên đoàn.

  • Apart from the occasional hiccup, things ran pretty well.

    Ngoại trừ đôi chút trục trặc, mọi việc diễn ra khá tốt.

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