Definition of herald




The word "herald" originates from the Old French word "erlect," meaning "proclaimer" or "announcer" in the 12th century. The term evolved from the Latin word "heraldus," meaning "army leader" or "messenger," which was derived from the Germanic word "hari," meaning "army." In medieval Europe, heralds were important officials who carried out various functions in society, such as announcing important news, regulating tournaments, and resolving disputes. They were also responsible for heralding the arrival of royalty and other important figures by carrying heraldic symbols and proclaiming their names and titles. Over time, the role of a herald evolved and became associated with heraldry, which refers to the design and use of symbols, such as coats of arms, flags, and badges, to identify individuals, families, and organizations. Heralds became experts in heraldry, able to interpret and maintain the symbolic meanings associated with coats of arms and other heraldic devices. Today, the term "herald" is less commonly used than it was in medieval times. However, the role of a heraldic official continues to exist in some countries and cultures, particularly in aristocratic and ceremonial contexts.


to be a sign that something is going to happen

là một dấu hiệu cho thấy điều gì đó sắp xảy ra

  • These talks could herald a new era of peace.

    Những cuộc đàm phán này có thể báo trước một kỷ nguyên hòa bình mới.

  • She felt a dull ache in her right temple, heralding a migraine.

    Cô cảm thấy đau âm ỉ ở thái dương bên phải, báo trước cơn đau nửa đầu.

  • Bringing the baby home heralds the start of a very different lifestyle.

    Đưa em bé về nhà báo trước sự khởi đầu của một lối sống rất khác.

  • Voices and footsteps outside heralded their return.

    Những giọng nói và tiếng bước chân bên ngoài báo trước sự trở lại của họ.

to say in public that somebody/something is good or important

nói trước công chúng rằng ai đó/cái gì đó tốt hoặc quan trọng

  • The report is being heralded as a blueprint for the future of transport.

    Báo cáo đang được báo trước như một kế hoạch chi tiết cho tương lai của ngành giao thông vận tải.