Definition of headlong




The word "headlong" originally came from the Old English adverb "hædlang" meaning "with the head downwards" or "in a headfirst position". The term first appeared in Middle English texts around the 13th century, used to describe actions taken without caution or consideration for consequences. Its literal meaning is still recognizable in phrases like "headlong rush" or "headlong fall". Over time, the usage of "headlong" has also evolved to describe an impulsive and reckless behavior that disregards reason, logic, or safety. This meaning continues to be widely recognized in modern English, making it a versatile and useful word in daily usage.


with the head first and the rest of the body following

với đầu đi trước và phần còn lại của cơ thể theo sau

  • She fell headlong into the icy pool.

    Cô ngã đập đầu xuống hồ nước đóng băng.

Related words and phrases

without thinking carefully before doing something

không suy nghĩ kỹ trước khi làm việc gì

  • The government is taking care not to rush headlong into another controversy.

    Chính phủ đang thận trọng để không lao đầu vào một cuộc tranh cãi khác.

quickly and without looking where you are going

nhanh chóng và không cần nhìn xem bạn sẽ đi đâu

  • He ran headlong into a police car.

    Anh ta lao thẳng vào xe cảnh sát.

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