Definition of haunted


bị ám ảnh


Over time, the word took on a more specific connotation, particularly in the context of spirits, ghosts, or supernatural entities. In the 14th century, the term "haunted" started to describe places, objects, or people that were supposedly inhabited or influenced by malevolent spirits or supernatural forces. Today, we use "haunted" to describe anything that is said to be inhabited or influenced by ghosts, demons, or other paranormal entities, often with a sense of fear or unease. Whether in literature, folklore, or popular culture, the word "haunted" continues to evoke a sense of mystery, intrigue, and sometimes even terror!


believed to be visited by ghosts

được cho là có ma đến thăm

  • a haunted house

    một ngôi nhà ma ám

showing that somebody is very worried

cho thấy ai đó đang rất lo lắng

  • There was a haunted look in his eyes.

    Có một ánh nhìn ma quái trong mắt anh.

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