Definition of haste


sự vội vàng


The word "haste" is derived from the Old English word "hæst" which meant "time of holy days" or "festive time". It was believed that during these times, there was a sense of urgency or hurry as people went about their holy rituals and celebrations. Over time, the meaning of the word evolved and came to refer to a state of being in a hurry or showing urgency. It is believed that this change in meaning may have been influenced by the Latin word "curritas" which also meant "speed" or "haste". The word "haste" has been used in English literature for centuries, with appearances in works by Shakespeare, Chaucer, and other literary giants. It continues to be a common word in modern English, used to convey a sense of urgency or hurry in various contexts, from everyday life to high-pressure work environments.

  • In order to catch the train, John packed his bags with haste.

    Để kịp chuyến tàu, John đã vội vã thu dọn hành lý.

  • The surgeon worked with haste to perform the emergency surgery.

    Bác sĩ phẫu thuật đã làm việc rất vội vã để thực hiện ca phẫu thuật khẩn cấp.

  • The fire department arrived at the scene with haste to extinguish the blaze.

    Đội cứu hỏa đã nhanh chóng có mặt tại hiện trường để dập tắt đám cháy.

  • The chef rushed to prepare the meal with haste as the guests were getting impatient.

    Đầu bếp vội vã chuẩn bị bữa ăn vì khách đang mất kiên nhẫn.

  • Sarah finished her project with haste, as the deadline was approaching fast.

    Sarah đã hoàn thành dự án của mình một cách vội vã vì thời hạn đang đến gần.

  • The author completed the book with haste and handed it over to the publisher.

    Tác giả đã hoàn thành cuốn sách một cách vội vã và trao nó cho nhà xuất bản.

  • The professional painter covered the room with haste, ensuring that the new paint job was finished within the day.

    Người thợ sơn chuyên nghiệp đã nhanh chóng phủ kín căn phòng, đảm bảo lớp sơn mới được hoàn thành trong ngày.

  • The athlete ran the final lap with haste, determined to set a new personal best time.

    Vận động viên này chạy vòng cuối cùng một cách vội vã, quyết tâm lập kỷ lục cá nhân mới.

  • The hotel clerk checked out the guest with haste, allowing him to catch his flight on time.

    Nhân viên khách sạn vội vã làm thủ tục trả phòng cho khách, giúp khách kịp chuyến bay.

  • The doctor prescribed the medicine with haste, urging the patient to start taking it immediately.

    Bác sĩ vội vàng kê đơn thuốc và giục bệnh nhân uống thuốc ngay lập tức.

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marry in haste (, repent at leisure)
(saying)people who marry quickly, without really getting to know each other, may discover later that they have made a mistake
more haste, less speed
(British English, saying)you will finish doing something sooner if you do not try to do it too quickly because you will make fewer mistakes