Definition of handicraft


thủ công mỹ nghệ


The term "handicraft" originated during the 19th century in England, as an alternative to the French word "artisanat" which was used to describe the work of skilled craftspeople. The word "handicraft" can be broken down into two parts: "handi-" and "-craft". The prefix "handi-" comes from the Old English word "handig", meaning "handy" or "skilled". This prefix was added to the word "craft", which originated from the Old English word "craeft", meaning "skill". During the Industrial Revolution in England, many traditional crafts were threatened by the rise of mass production and new technologies. In response, groups of artisans and enthusiasts promoted the continued importance of traditional crafts and the skills needed to produce them. They used the term "handicraft" to describe these skills, as a way to emphasize their usefulness and skillfulness rather than as a "handicap" or disadvantage when compared to new technologies. In essence, the term "handicraft" represents a way of preserving traditional crafts and the skills required to produce them, while also acknowledging the changing world around us. It highlights the importance of continuing to create beautiful and useful objects by hand, and the unique contribution that these craftspeople make to society and culture.


the activity of making attractive objects by hand

hoạt động tạo ra các vật thể hấp dẫn bằng tay

  • to teach handicrafts

    dạy nghề thủ công

  • Her hobbies are music, reading and handicraft.

    Sở thích của cô là âm nhạc, đọc sách và làm đồ thủ công.

things made in this way

những thứ được làm theo cách này

  • traditional handicrafts bought by tourists

    hàng thủ công truyền thống được khách du lịch mua

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