Definition of handball


bóng ném


The term "handball" directly translates to "ball played with the hand." It's a descriptive name that predates the codified sport we know today. While the exact origin is unclear, variations of handball have existed for centuries across cultures. The term likely arose in the 19th century as different forms of "hand-ball" evolved in Europe. The modern sport, known as "team handball" in many countries, solidified its name in the early 20th century, separating itself from other, less structured forms of the game.


a team game for two teams of seven players, usually played indoors, in which players try to score goals by throwing a ball with their hand

một trò chơi đồng đội dành cho hai đội gồm bảy cầu thủ, thường chơi trong nhà, trong đó các cầu thủ cố gắng ghi bàn bằng cách ném bóng bằng tay

a game in which players hit a small ball against a wall with their hand

một trò chơi trong đó người chơi dùng tay đánh một quả bóng nhỏ vào tường

the offence of touching the ball with your hands

hành vi phạm tội chạm bóng bằng tay

  • a penalty for handball

    phạt đền vì chơi bóng bằng tay

  • He was penalized for handball.

    Anh ta bị phạt vì chơi bóng bằng tay.

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