Definition of hacking cough

hacking coughnoun

ho khan

/ˌhækɪŋ ˈkɒf//ˌhækɪŋ ˈkɔːf/

The term "hacking cough" is commonly used to describe a type of chronic cough that produces a distinctive deep, loud, and hacking sound. This cough can be a sign of several underlying respiratory conditions, including bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer. The term "hacking" actually refers to the characteristic sound made during the cough, which results from the forceful expulsion of mucus and phlegm from the airways. This sound can be loud enough to be heard across a room and is often described as sounding like a deep, barking noise. The origin of the term "hacking cough" is unclear, but it is thought to have been coined in the mid-19th century by Dr. Charles Meigs, an American physician. Meigs used the term to describe the distinctive sound that is heard during a particularly severe episode of bronchitis, which at the time was commonly associated with people who worked outdoors in dirty, dusty environments, such as miners and farm laborers. Over time, the term "hacking cough" has come to be used more broadly to describe any chronic cough that produces the distinctive hacking sound, regardless of its underlying cause. Today, it is a widely recognized and commonly used term in medical parlance, helping to quickly and accurately communicate information about a patient's symptoms to healthcare providers.

  • Sarah couldn't stop coughing throughout the meeting, her hacking cough disrupting the flow of the discussion.

    Sarah không thể ngừng ho trong suốt cuộc họp, tiếng ho khan của cô làm gián đoạn luồng thảo luận.

  • The doctor diagnosed Tom with a chest infection, warning him that the persistent hacking cough was a sign of the virus.

    Bác sĩ chẩn đoán Tom bị nhiễm trùng ngực, cảnh báo anh rằng cơn ho dai dẳng là dấu hiệu của loại virus này.

  • The train was filled with the sound of hacking coughs as passengers struggled to fight off the flu.

    Tàu tràn ngập tiếng ho khan khi hành khách đang vật lộn để chống lại bệnh cúm.

  • Mark's hacking cough kept him awake all night, leaving him exhausted and irritable the following day.

    Cơn ho dai dẳng khiến Mark mất ngủ suốt đêm, khiến anh kiệt sức và cáu kỉnh vào ngày hôm sau.

  • Emily's hacking cough left her gasping for breath, and she could feel the strain on her chest.

    Cơn ho dữ dội của Emily khiến cô thở hổn hển, và cô có thể cảm thấy ngực mình căng cứng.

  • The hacking coughs in the waiting room made Lisa anxious, fearing that she would catch the infection.

    Những tiếng ho khan trong phòng chờ khiến Lisa lo lắng, sợ rằng mình sẽ bị nhiễm trùng.

  • Carl's hacking cough persisted for weeks, forcing him to cancel several appointments and social engagements.

    Cơn ho dai dẳng của Carl kéo dài trong nhiều tuần, buộc ông phải hủy bỏ nhiều cuộc hẹn và sự kiện xã hội.

  • Anna's hacking cough was exacerbated by the smoke from the fire, making her apologies for causing a nuisance.

    Cơn ho khan của Anna trở nên trầm trọng hơn do khói từ đám cháy, khiến cô phải xin lỗi vì đã gây phiền toái.

  • The hacking coughs were incessant in the hospital ward, a symptom of the viral outbreak that had struck the city.

    Những cơn ho khan liên tục xuất hiện ở khu bệnh viện, một triệu chứng của đợt bùng phát virus đang tấn công thành phố.

  • The hacking cough subsided after a week of rest and medication, leaving Richard feeling relieved and grateful.

    Cơn ho khan đã thuyên giảm sau một tuần nghỉ ngơi và dùng thuốc, khiến Richard cảm thấy nhẹ nhõm và biết ơn.