Definition of gross out

gross outphrasal verb

ghê tởm


The phrase "gross out" can be traced back to the 1970s, where it was originally used in the context of horror movies. It referred to a scene that was so disgusting or disturbing that it could physically make someone sick or "grossed out." The word "gross" used in this context has nothing to do with the numerical value of the number 120, but instead stems from its old English use, meaning unpleasant or repulsive. This meaning evolved over time to include a sense of revulsion caused by something repellent or repugnant to the senses, particularly the sight of something considered unpleasant, distasteful, or unsanitary. By the 1980s, the term "gross out" had expanded beyond the movie theater and now was used more broadly to describe any situation or experience that was revolting, distasteful, or unpleasant enough to make someone physically ill or feel uncomfortable or blocked up. It is often used as a shorthand term to warn others about something that may be disgusting or offensive. In summary, the term "gross out" originated in the context of horror movies, but its use has since broadened to describe any situation or experience that is unpleasant or repugnant to the senses and can make someone physically ill or uncomfortable.

  • Watching my friend eat aLive octopus totally grossed me out.

    Nhìn bạn tôi ăn bạch tuộc sống khiến tôi thực sự thấy kinh tởm.

  • The sight of open wounds oozing with pus is enough to gross me out.

    Cảnh tượng vết thương hở rỉ mủ đủ khiến tôi thấy kinh tởm.

  • The sound of chewing gum being chewed loudly is enough to gross out anyone around.

    Âm thanh nhai kẹo cao su quá to đủ để khiến bất kỳ ai xung quanh cảm thấy khó chịu.

  • Seeing a cockroach crawl across the bathroom floor of a public restroom is enough to gross me out.

    Nhìn thấy một con gián bò trên sàn phòng vệ sinh công cộng đủ khiến tôi thấy kinh tởm.

  • The smell of rotten produce is enough to gross me out and make me want to throw up.

    Mùi của sản phẩm thối rữa đủ khiến tôi thấy kinh tởm và muốn nôn.

  • The sight of fat being cooked and sizzled in a pan is enough to gross out most people.

    Cảnh tượng mỡ được nấu chín và xèo xèo trong chảo đủ khiến nhiều người thấy kinh tởm.

  • Watching someone pick their nose and eat their boogers is enough to gross out anyone nearby.

    Nhìn ai đó ngoáy mũi và ăn nước mũi cũng đủ khiến bất kỳ ai ở gần đó cảm thấy kinh tởm.

  • Seeing a pile of moldy food in the refrigerator is enough to gross me out and spoil my appetite for the day.

    Chỉ cần nhìn thấy một đống thức ăn mốc trong tủ lạnh là tôi thấy ghê tởm và mất hết cảm giác thèm ăn trong ngày.

  • The feeling of my own sweat dripping down my back is enough to gross me out and make me want to take a shower.

    Cảm giác mồ hôi của chính mình chảy xuống lưng đủ khiến tôi thấy ghê tởm và muốn đi tắm.

  • Being around a person with a persistent cold or flu symptoms is enough to gross me out and avoid close contact.

    Việc ở gần một người có triệu chứng cảm lạnh hoặc cúm dai dẳng đủ khiến tôi thấy sợ và tránh tiếp xúc gần.