Definition of grope




The origin of the word "grope" can be traced back to the Old English word "hrōpan," meaning "teach" or "instruct." This word evolved over time, and by the Middle English period, it had developed a secondary meaning of "feel one's way blindly" due to its homophonic relationship with the Middle English word "groopen," meaning "rub" or "grind" (which was likely derived from the Old Norse "grīp," meaning "grip" or "force"). This second sense of "grope" was further reinforced by its use in Middle English literary works as a verb meaning "search for something with touch." Today, the word "grope" primarily refers to the act of feeling one's way around blindly, usually with the intent of finding something or someone. However, it also carries a negative connotation due to its association with groping, a sexual action that involves touching someone's private parts without consent.


to try and find something that you cannot see, by feeling with your hands

cố gắng tìm thứ gì đó mà bạn không thể nhìn thấy bằng cách cảm nhận bằng tay

  • He groped around in the dark for his other sock.

    Anh ta mò mẫm trong bóng tối để tìm chiếc tất còn lại.

  • She groped for the railing to steady her as she fell.

    Cô mò mẫm tìm lan can để đứng vững khi ngã.

  • ‘It’s so…, so…’ I was groping for the right word to describe it.

    ‘Nó như vậy…, vậy…’ Tôi đang mò mẫm tìm từ thích hợp để mô tả nó.

Extra examples:
  • She groped blindly for the door handle.

    Cô mù quáng mò mẫm tìm tay nắm cửa.

  • I groped for the light switch.

    Tôi mò mẫm tìm công tắc đèn.

to try and reach a place by feeling with your hands because you cannot see clearly

cố gắng chạm tới một nơi bằng cách cảm nhận bằng tay vì bạn không thể nhìn rõ

  • He groped his way up the staircase in the dark.

    Anh mò mẫm đi lên cầu thang trong bóng tối.

  • She groped through the darkness towards the doors.

    Cô lần mò trong bóng tối về phía cánh cửa.

to touch somebody sexually, especially when they do not want you to

chạm vào ai đó một cách tình dục, đặc biệt là khi họ không muốn bạn

  • She described how he had groped her whenever they were alone.

    Cô mô tả việc anh ta đã sờ mó cô như thế nào mỗi khi họ ở một mình.

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