Definition of gopher


chuột chũi


The word "gopher" originated in the mid-19th century in the United States. It is believed to have come from the Algonquian languages, specifically the Ojibwe or Chippewa language. In these languages, "gope" or "goph_locator" means "to dig" or "bury". Early French explorers and traders in North America adopted the word, modifying it to "gopher" to describe the small, burrowing rodents that were abundant in the region. Over time, the term became applied not only to the animal but also to humans, particularly in a military context, to refer to soldiers who performed underground tunneling work or engineering tasks. Today, the term "gopher" is still used in various ways, including in sports, to describe a player who retrieves and carries the ball or puck, as well as in engineering and construction to describe tunneling equipment.


a North American animal like a rat, that lives in holes in the ground

một loài động vật Bắc Mỹ giống như chuột, sống trong các lỗ trên mặt đất

a type of squirrel that lives in holes in the ground

một loại sóc sống trong các lỗ trên mặt đất

a person whose job is to do small boring tasks for other people, especially in an office or on a film set

một người có công việc là làm những công việc nhỏ nhàm chán cho người khác, đặc biệt là trong văn phòng hoặc trên phim trường

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