Definition of goodie


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The word "goodie" has a fascinating history! It is believed to have originated in the 17th century, when it referred to something pleasant or agreeable. Over time, the term took on a more playful connotation, and by the mid-19th century, "goodie" was being used to describe a pleasant or attractive thing, such as a goodie bag filled with treats. Another possible origin of the word "goodie" is from the German word "güte," which means "goodness" or "good deed." This sense of the word can be seen in phrases such as "doing goodie" or "being a goodie," which implies doing something kind or charitable. Today, the term "goodie" is often used in a lighthearted or whimsical sense, and can refer to anything from a tasty treat to a fun and enjoyable experience.


a thing that is very nice to eat

một thứ rất ngon để ăn

  • a basket of goodies for the children

    một giỏ quà cho trẻ em

anything that is attractive and that people want to have

bất cứ thứ gì hấp dẫn và mọi người muốn có

  • We're giving away lots of free goodies—T-shirts, hats and posters!

    Chúng tôi đang tặng rất nhiều quà tặng miễn phí—áo phông, mũ và áp phích!

a good person, especially in a book or film

một người tốt, đặc biệt là trong một cuốn sách hoặc bộ phim

  • It's sometimes difficult to tell who are the goodies and who are the baddies.

    Đôi khi rất khó để biết ai là người tốt và ai là người xấu.

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