Definition of goodbye


tạm biệt, lời chào tạm biệt


Definition of undefined

The word "goodbye" has a fascinating history! It originated from the Old English phrase "God be with ye", which was used as a farewell greeting. Over time, the phrase evolved into "God be wyv" and eventually "God be we", before finally becoming "goodbye". The earliest recorded use of "goodbye" dates back to the 16th century. Initially, it was used as a formal farewell, but by the 18th century, it had become a more casual way to bid someone adieu. Interestingly, other languages have similar origins for their farewell words. For instance, the French "adieu" comes from the Latin "ad ipse", meaning "to oneself", while the German "Auf Wiedersehen" literally means "until we see each other again". It's amazing how words can undergo transformation and adaptation, isn't it?

  • As the flight took off, Sarah turned to her friend and said, "Goodbye! Safe travels."

    Khi chuyến bay cất cánh, Sarah quay sang bạn mình và nói, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • The teacher bid farewell to her students, saying, "Goodbye, class! Have a great summer vacation."

    Cô giáo chào tạm biệt học sinh của mình và nói rằng, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • Robert hugged his grandmother tightly and whispered, "Goodbye, Grandma. Thank you for everything."

    Robert ôm chặt bà ngoại và thì thầm, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • After dinner, Emily and her partner leaned in to kiss each other before saying, "Goodnight, my love. Sleep tight."

    Sau bữa tối, Emily và bạn đời của cô ấy nghiêng người hôn nhau trước khi nói, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • The basketball coach clasped hands with each player and said, "Goodbye, guys. See you next week for practice."

    Huấn luyện viên bóng rổ bắt tay từng cầu thủ và nói, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • The coworker smiled sadly and said, "Goodbye for now, colleague. Hopefully, we'll cross paths again soon."

    Người đồng nghiệp mỉm cười buồn bã và nói, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • The actress blew a kiss to her fans and shouted, "Goodbye! Thank you for your support. Until next time!"

    Nữ diễn viên đã gửi một nụ hôn gió tới người hâm mộ và hét lên, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • Jenna waved goodbye as her Uber pulled away, and she walked towards her office building with a determined look on her face.

    Jenna vẫy tay tạm biệt khi chiếc Uber của cô lái đi, và cô bước về phía tòa nhà văn phòng của mình với vẻ mặt quyết tâm.

  • As the friends boarded their respective trains, they exchanged hugs and vowed, "Goodbye for now, but we'll catch up soon!"

    Khi những người bạn lên tàu của mình, họ ôm nhau và thề rằng, __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • The manager said goodbye to his team, "Thank you, team! I'm proud of all that we've accomplished here. Working together has been a pleasure."

    Người quản lý nói lời tạm biệt với nhóm của mình, __TRÍCH DẪN__

Related words and phrases


kiss something goodbye | kiss goodbye to something
(informal)to accept that you will lose something or be unable to do something
  • Well, you can kiss goodbye to your chances of promotion.