Definition of geyser


mạch nước phun


The word "geyser" has its roots in Icelandic. The term "geysa" comes from the Old Norse word "geysa", which means "to gush" or "to spout". In Icelandic, a geyser is called a "leit eru", which translates to "steaming well". The modern English word "geyser" is derived from the Icelandic name of one of the most famous geysers, "Geysir", located in Iceland. This geyser was known for its periodic eruptions, shooting steam and hot water high into the air. When European scientists and travelers visited Iceland, they borrowed the term "geysir" and adapted it into English as "geyser". Today, the term is used globally to describe any hot spring that erupts somewhat regularly, shooting steam and water into the air.


a natural spring that sometimes sends hot water or steam up into the air

một suối tự nhiên đôi khi phun nước nóng hoặc hơi nước lên không trung

a piece of equipment in a kitchen or bathroom that heats water, usually by gas

một thiết bị trong bếp hoặc phòng tắm dùng để đun nước, thường bằng gas

a large container in which water is stored and heated, usually by electricity, in order to provide hot water in a building

một thùng chứa lớn chứa nước và đun nóng nước, thường bằng điện, để cung cấp nước nóng trong một tòa nhà