Definition of gearbox


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The word "gearbox" comes from the mechanical component that transmits power from an engine or motor to the wheels or drivetrain of a vehicle. In a car, the gearbox is typically located near the engine and houses a series of gears and shafts that convert rotational speed and torque from the engine to a format that is appropriate for the wheels. The term "gearbox" itself is derived from the original use of this component in mechanical engineering, particularly in industrial applications such as textile factories and mills. These machines would typically have a large central transmission with multiple spinning shafts known as 'constancies' that could be engaged and disengaged to shift the power between the different components of the machine. The word 'gearbox' appears to have come into vehicle usage in the early 20th century to describe the transmission systems used in early petrol engines, with a description in an American mechanical engineering textbook in 1911 being one of the earliest known uses. Since then, the term has become common in automotive and industrial applications alike to describe the device responsible for transmitting power between the engine and the wheels. The etymology of the word also helps to explain the function of the gearbox. 'Gear' is an early English word meaning 'tooth' or 'notch', and goes back to Anglo-Saxon times. Its derivation from the Old Norse 'gerr' (meaning 'tooth'), also demonstrates the Scandinavian origins of this term in Germanic languages, with Norse being spoken widely in England at this time. 'Box' is a more recent addition to the term, and likely refers to the distinctive rectangular enclosure that houses the gears and other mechanical components of the gearbox. This term is also thought to be related to the Old English 'bōc' meaning 'book', perhaps in reference to the perceived complexity of the many interlocking gears that make up the gearbox. In summary, the word 'gearbox' combines old and new English words, drawing together ancient Germanic roots and more recent industrial terminology, to create a succinct and descriptive term for a fundamental and essential component of vehicles and machinery.

  • After diagnosing the issue, the mechanic advised us to replace the faulty gearbox in our car.

    Sau khi chẩn đoán vấn đề, thợ máy khuyên chúng tôi nên thay hộp số bị lỗi trên xe.

  • The malfunctioning gearbox in my bike has prevented me from riding it for weeks, forcing me to rely on public transport.

    Hộp số xe đạp của tôi bị trục trặc khiến tôi không thể đi xe trong nhiều tuần, buộc tôi phải sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng.

  • I accidentally put my car in reverse instead of drive, causing the gearbox to make a loud grinding noise.

    Tôi vô tình chuyển xe về chế độ lùi thay vì tiến, khiến hộp số phát ra tiếng kêu rít lớn.

  • The new gearbox installation was a straightforward process, and the vehicle was back on the road in no time.

    Việc lắp hộp số mới diễn ra khá đơn giản và xe có thể chạy trở lại đường ngay sau đó.

  • The gearbox enables the driver to easily switch between different gear ratios, providing the necessary power for the desired driving speeds.

    Hộp số cho phép người lái dễ dàng chuyển đổi giữa các tỷ số truyền khác nhau, cung cấp công suất cần thiết cho tốc độ lái mong muốn.

  • The company's recent investment in upgraded gearboxes has significantly improved the efficiency and performance of their equipment.

    Việc đầu tư gần đây của công ty vào hộp số nâng cấp đã cải thiện đáng kể hiệu quả và hiệu suất của thiết bị.

  • During the routine maintenance, the technician discovered that the gearbox was leaking oil, which required immediate attention.

    Trong quá trình bảo dưỡng định kỳ, kỹ thuật viên phát hiện hộp số bị rò rỉ dầu, cần phải xử lý ngay.

  • The heavy-duty gearbox in the industrial machinery is essential for handling the high torque required to operate the equipment.

    Hộp số chịu tải nặng trong máy móc công nghiệp đóng vai trò thiết yếu để xử lý mô-men xoắn cao cần thiết để vận hành thiết bị.

  • The factory specializes in manufacturing highly-engineered gearboxes for use in various industrial applications.

    Nhà máy chuyên sản xuất hộp số kỹ thuật cao để sử dụng trong nhiều ứng dụng công nghiệp khác nhau.

  • Without a functioning gearbox, the machine was unable to operate and required extensive repairs to get it back into working order.

    Nếu không có hộp số hoạt động, máy móc không thể hoạt động và cần phải sửa chữa nhiều để có thể hoạt động trở lại.