Definition of fumble


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The word "fumble" originated in Old English, around the 12th century, and it meant "to move something with difficulty or uncertainty." The exact origin of the word is uncertain, but some etymologists believe that it came from the Old Norse word "pulma," which meant "to rummage." In the context of football, the word "fumble" is used to describe a situation where a ball carrier accidentally loses possession of the ball. The first recorded use of the word "fumble" in football was in 1869, when it appeared in the rules of the Rugby School Football Club. In American football, the rules surrounding fumbles have evolved over time. Originally, a fumble was simply a loose ball on the ground, and any player could recover it. In 1880, a rule was added that required players to legally recover the fumble within one yard of where the ball had come out. By 1906, the NFL had established a modified version of this rule, requiring the ball to be thrown forward or declared dead at the spot of the fumble if the ball carrier lost possession. Today, the meaning of "fumble" in football has become more specific, referring to a player losing possession of the ball due to mishandling, dropping, or being stripped of the ball by an opposing player. Regardless of its precise meaning, the word "fumble" remains an indelible part of football language, crystalizing moments of drama, frustration, and elation on the field.


to use your hands in a way that is not smooth or steady or careful when you are doing something or looking for something

sử dụng bàn tay của bạn một cách không trơn tru hoặc ổn định hoặc cẩn thận khi bạn đang làm điều gì đó hoặc tìm kiếm một cái gì đó

  • She fumbled in her pocket for a handkerchief.

    Cô lục túi tìm chiếc khăn tay.

  • He fumbled with the buttons on his shirt.

    Anh loay hoay với những chiếc cúc trên áo sơ mi của mình.

  • She was fumbling around in the dark looking for the light switch.

    Cô mò mẫm trong bóng tối để tìm công tắc đèn.

  • He fumbled the key into the ignition.

    Anh mò mẫm chìa khóa vào ổ điện.

  • I fumbled to zip up my jacket.

    Tôi loay hoay kéo khóa áo khoác.

to have difficulty speaking clearly or finding the right words to say

gặp khó khăn khi nói rõ ràng hoặc tìm từ thích hợp để nói

  • During the interview, she fumbled helplessly for words.

    Trong cuộc phỏng vấn, cô bất lực tìm kiếm từ ngữ.

  • to fumble an announcement

    dò dẫm một thông báo

to drop a ball or to fail to stop or kick it

làm rơi quả bóng hoặc không dừng lại hoặc đá nó

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