Definition of frown


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The word "frown" originates from the Old English word "frōn," which essentially meant "furrowed brow" or "wrinkled forehead." The Old English word was a compound of "fraeg" meaning "forehead" and "ūn" meaning "wrinkle" or "furrow." The Old English word "frōn" evolved over time, and by the Middle English period in the 1400s, it had taken on the modern meaning of "a facial expression conveying annoyance, displeasure, or scorn" as well. One Middle English usage of the word could be found in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, where he wrote, "Thenon seeth his wyfes frowynge face." The evolution of the word "frown" may be directly tied to human facial expressions and the way they communicate meaning. The furrowed brow, which is often associated with negative emotions like anger, frustration, and annoyance, has long played a significant role in human communication. Interestingly, the term "frown" may also be related to the Old English word "frēowan" meaning "to frown," which is used in the context of admonishing or scolding someone. This usage, while less common today, speaks to the historic association between the act of furrowing one's brow and expressions of disapproval or displeasure. In summary, the word "frown" derives from the Old English "frōn" and has its roots in the more literal meaning of "furrowed brow," with a historical association with disapproval or displeasure.

  • Sarah frowned as she saw the long line outside the store.

    Sarah cau mày khi nhìn thấy hàng dài người xếp hàng bên ngoài cửa hàng.

  • The teacher frowned disapprovingly as the student talked out of turn.

    Người giáo viên cau mày tỏ vẻ không đồng tình khi thấy học sinh nói chuyện không đúng lúc.

  • Jane couldn't help frowning as she remembered the embarrassing moment from earlier.

    Jane không khỏi cau mày khi nhớ lại khoảnh khắc xấu hổ trước đó.

  • The customer frowned when the salesperson told him the price of the product.

    Khách hàng cau mày khi nhân viên bán hàng nói cho anh ta biết giá của sản phẩm.

  • Tom frowned as he scanned the paper for any good news.

    Tom cau mày khi lướt qua tờ báo để tìm tin tốt.

  • The old man frowned at the young couple holding hands on the park bench.

    Ông già cau mày nhìn cặp đôi trẻ đang nắm tay nhau trên băng ghế công viên.

  • The lawyer frownled as she listened to the client's explanation for the missed deadline.

    Vị luật sư cau mày khi nghe lời giải thích của khách hàng về thời hạn bị lỡ.

  • Mike frowned as he realized he'd forgotten his wallet at home.

    Mike cau mày khi nhận ra mình quên ví ở nhà.

  • The children frowned at their parents' announcement that there would be no ice cream for dessert that night.

    Những đứa trẻ cau mày khi nghe bố mẹ thông báo rằng tối nay sẽ không có kem tráng miệng.

  • Lisa frowned as she hit another dead end in her attempts to solve the mystery.

    Lisa cau mày khi cô lại rơi vào ngõ cụt khi cố gắng giải quyết bí ẩn này.