Definition of fright


sợ hãi


The origin of the word "fright" can be traced back to the Old English word "fregrade," which meant "awe" or "fear." This word evolved over time and was spelled various ways before eventually becoming "frith," which meant "safety" or "protection." As the meaning of "frith" evolved, so too did the meaning of the related words "frithian" and "frithwisan," which meant "protector" or "defender." In Middle English, the word "frith" took on a new sense, meaning "terror" or "dread." This new meaning likely emerged as a way to describe intense emotional reactions to perceived threats. The word "frith" in this context developed several forms over time before finally becoming "fright" in modern English. The first known use of the word "fright" in its modern sense was in the late 15th century. It appeared in a work written by the English poet William Caxton, who spelled it as "frightyng" and defined it as "making fright." Over time, the use of "fright" in its modern sense has become more common, and it is now a commonly used word in English to describe intense feelings of fear or terror. Its origin, however, shows the complexity of the English language and how language evolves over time.


a feeling of fear

một cảm giác sợ hãi

  • She cried out in fright.

    Cô hét lên vì sợ hãi.

  • He was shaking with fright.

    Anh ta run rẩy vì sợ hãi.

Extra examples:
  • He almost died of fright when the fish jumped out of the water.

    Anh ta gần như chết vì sợ hãi khi con cá nhảy lên khỏi mặt nước.

  • They stood there, frozen with fright.

    Họ đứng đó, đông cứng vì sợ hãi.

Related words and phrases

an experience that makes you feel fear

một trải nghiệm khiến bạn cảm thấy sợ hãi

  • You gave me a fright jumping out at me like that.

    Bạn đã làm tôi sợ hãi khi lao vào tôi như thế.

  • I got the fright of my life.

    Tôi thấy sợ hãi cuộc đời mình.

Extra examples:
  • I had a terrible fright this morning when I saw you there.

    Sáng nay tôi đã vô cùng sợ hãi khi nhìn thấy anh ở đó.

  • Leah got such a fright that she dropped the tray.

    Leah sợ đến nỗi đánh rơi cái khay.

  • You gave me the fright of my life, jumping out like that!

    Anh làm tôi sợ chết khiếp, nhảy ra ngoài như vậy!

  • Did I give you a fright? Sorry.

    Tôi có làm bạn sợ không? Lấy làm tiếc.

  • I had the fright of my life when I saw the snake in my bed.

    Tôi đã vô cùng sợ hãi khi nhìn thấy con rắn ở trên giường.

Related words and phrases


look a fright
(old-fashioned, British English)to look ugly or silly
take fright (at something)
(formal)to be frightened by something
  • The birds took fright and flew off.
  • Investors took fright at the falling market.