Definition of fort


pháo đài


The word "fort" originally comes from the Old French word "fort" meaning strong or stronghold. This French word is thought to have originated from the Latin word "fortis," meaning strong or mighty. In medieval times, a fort was a strong defensive structure built to protect people and goods from invaders. These forts were typically located on strategically important positions such as hilltops, clifftops, or along major trade routes. The word "fort" evolved over time in various languages. In English, the word "fort" is a shortened form of the Old English words "fortan weg" meaning to prepare for travel or journey. However, the word "fort" in English today strictly refers to a military installation rather than a general stronghold. In French, the word "fort" is still commonly used to mean a fortified structure, but it may also be used to refer to an apartment building or housing complex due to its association with strength and solidity. The German word "Festung" (meaning fortification) evolved similarly from the Latin word "castellum," meaning a fortified place. The word "Festung" or "Festung normannisch" meaning Norman fortification, referred to castles built during the Norman conquest of England. In conclusion, the word "fort" in its various languages has undergone linguistic transformation to mean different things over time. However, its origins remain rooted in the Old French and Latin meanings of strong or stronghold, and its use continues to evolve as societies adapt and redefine the meaning of strong and secure places in modern times.


a building or buildings built in order to defend an area against attack

một tòa nhà hoặc các tòa nhà được xây dựng để bảo vệ một khu vực chống lại cuộc tấn công

  • the remains of a Roman fort

    tàn tích của một pháo đài La Mã

Extra examples:
  • The fort finally fell after a week of intense fighting.

    Pháo đài cuối cùng đã thất thủ sau một tuần giao tranh ác liệt.

  • The fort was under attack for three days.

    Pháo đài đã bị tấn công trong ba ngày.

  • an Iron Age hill fort

    một pháo đài trên đồi thời đồ sắt

a place where soldiers live and have their training

nơi binh lính sinh sống và huấn luyện

  • Fort Drum

    pháo đài trống


hold the fort
(informal)to have the responsibility for something or care of somebody while other people are away or out
  • Why not have a day off? I'll hold the fort for you.