Definition of forgiving


khoan dung


"Forgiving" comes from the Old English word "forgiefan," which literally means "to give up." This is a combination of "for-" (meaning "completely") and "giefan" (meaning "to give"). The core meaning of "forgiving" is to release someone from a debt or obligation, whether it's a financial debt or an emotional one like a grievance. This sense of giving something up, especially anger or resentment, has persisted in the word's evolution.


willing to forgive

sẵn sàng tha thứ

  • She had not inherited her mother's forgiving nature.

    Cô không được thừa hưởng bản chất tha thứ của mẹ mình.

  • The public was more forgiving of the president's difficulties than the press and fellow politicians.

    Công chúng dễ tha thứ cho những khó khăn của tổng thống hơn báo chí và các chính trị gia đồng nghiệp.

easy or safe to deal with

dễ dàng hoặc an toàn để giải quyết

  • Snow is a forgiving surface on which to fall.

    Tuyết là một bề mặt dễ rơi.

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