Definition of forfeit


bị tịch thu


The origin of the word "forfeit" can be traced back to the Middle English period, where it was spelled as "forfeiten" or "forfeitenne." At this time, the word had the meaning of "surrender" or "lose voluntarily" and was commonly used in legal contexts related to feudal law. In feudal times, a lord could grant a tenant certain rights and privileges in exchange for a pledge of loyalty and certain services. These rights and privileges could be taken away, or "forfeited," if the tenant violated the terms of the agreement. For example, if a tenant failed to pay his rent or refused to perform his feudal duties, the landlord could forfeit his estate and award it to a more loyal subject. The sense of "surrender" or "lose voluntarily" is still present in the modern meaning of "forfeit." Today, the word is commonly used in legal and commercial contexts to refer to the loss of a possession, privilege, or benefit due to a breach of contract or legal obligation. For example, a person who commits a crime may forfeit his property as part of his sentence, or a player who is caught breaking a rule in a sporting event may forfeit the game or match. In sum, the origin of the word "forfeit" can be traced back to the Middle English period, where it referred to the voluntary surrender or loss of rights and privileges in feudal law. This sense of "loss" or "surrender" remains present in the modern meaning of the word, which is commonly used in legal and commercial contexts torefer to the loss of a possession, privilege, or benefit due to a breach of contract or legal obligation.


to lose something or have something taken away from you because you have done something wrong

mất cái gì đó hoặc bị lấy đi thứ gì đó vì bạn đã làm sai điều gì đó

  • He has forfeited his right to be taken seriously.

    Anh ta đã mất quyền được coi trọng.

to lose or give something up as a necessary consequence of something that you have done

mất hoặc từ bỏ một cái gì đó như là một hậu quả cần thiết của việc gì đó mà bạn đã làm

  • If you cancel your flight, you will forfeit your deposit.

    Nếu bạn hủy chuyến bay, bạn sẽ bị mất tiền đặt cọc.

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