Definition of fool


ngu xuẩn


The word "fool" has its origin in Old English, specifically the word "fulum," which meant "slave" or "servant." However, over time, the meaning of the word gradually changed to signify someone who was not very intelligent or wise. The shift in meaning can be traced back to the Anglo-Norman era, where the term "fou," also meaning "foolish" or "stupid," became popular. From there, the English language inherited the word "fool" with a new connotation, describing someone who was not very bright or lacking in common sense. Throughout the centuries, the meaning of the word has continued to evolve, encompassing a range of connotations related to foolishness, ignorance, and naivety. Today, the term is often used as a form of criticism or derision, highlighting a perceived lack of intelligence or good judgment. However, in some contexts, such as in the performing arts or literature, the word "fool" may also be used in a more lighthearted or playful way to describe a comical or witty character.


a person who you think behaves or speaks in a way that lacks intelligence or good judgement

một người mà bạn nghĩ rằng hành xử hoặc nói theo cách thiếu thông minh hoặc phán đoán tốt

  • Don't be such a fool!

    Đừng có ngốc như vậy!

  • I felt a fool when I realized my mistake.

    Tôi cảm thấy mình thật ngu ngốc khi nhận ra sai lầm của mình.

  • He told me he was an actor and I was fool enough to believe him.

    Anh ấy nói với tôi rằng anh ấy là một diễn viên và tôi thật ngu ngốc khi tin anh ấy.

Extra examples:
  • Like a fool, I told her everything.

    Như một kẻ ngốc, tôi đã kể cho cô ấy nghe mọi chuyện.

  • Stop behaving like a fool!

    Đừng cư xử như một kẻ ngốc nữa!

  • That fool of a doctor has prescribed me the wrong medicine!

    Tên bác sĩ ngu ngốc đó đã kê nhầm thuốc cho tôi!

  • The poor fool was imprisoned on my account.

    Kẻ ngốc tội nghiệp đã bị cầm tù vì tôi.

  • They had left me looking like a fool.

    Họ đã bỏ mặc tôi trông như một kẻ ngốc.

  • You silly little fool!

    Đồ ngu ngốc nhỏ bé!

  • You're an even bigger fool than I thought.

    Bạn thậm chí còn là một kẻ ngốc lớn hơn tôi nghĩ.

  • You must take me for a fool!

    Bạn phải coi tôi là một kẻ ngốc!

Related words and phrases

(in the past) a man employed by a king or queen to entertain people by telling jokes, singing songs, etc.

(trong quá khứ) một người đàn ông được vua hoặc hoàng hậu thuê để giải trí cho mọi người bằng cách kể chuyện cười, ca hát, v.v.

  • court fools who used to provide entertainment in the royal court

    những kẻ ngu ngốc trong triều đình từng cung cấp trò giải trí trong triều đình

Related words and phrases

a cold light dessert (= a sweet dish) made from fruit that is cooked to make it soft and mixed with cream or custard

một món tráng miệng nhẹ lạnh (= một món ngọt) làm từ trái cây được nấu chín để làm cho nó mềm và trộn với kem hoặc sữa trứng

  • rhubarb fool

    đại hoàng ngốc nghếch


act/play the fool
to behave in a stupid way in order to make people laugh, especially in a way that may also annoy them
  • Quit playing the fool and get some work done!
  • any fool can/could…
    (informal)used to say that something is very easy to do
  • Any fool could tell she was lying.
  • be no/nobody’s fool
    to be too intelligent or know too much about something to be tricked by other people
  • She's nobody's fool when it comes to dealing with difficult patients.
  • She's nobody's fool. She had the car checked by a mechanic before buying it.
  • a fool and his money are soon parted
    (saying)a person who is not sensible usually spends money too quickly or carelessly, or is cheated by others
    fools rush in (where angels fear to tread)
    (saying)people with little experience try to do the difficult or dangerous things that more experienced people would not consider doing
    make a fool of somebody
    to say or do something deliberately so that people will think that somebody is stupid
  • Can't you see she's making a fool of you?
  • I will not be made a fool of like this.
  • She was angry at having been made a fool of.
  • make a fool of yourself
    to do something stupid that makes other people think that you are a fool
  • I made a complete fool of myself in front of everyone!
  • more fool somebody (for doing something)
    (informal)used to say that you think that somebody was stupid to do something, especially when it causes them problems
  • ‘He's not an easy person to live with.’ ‘More fool her for marrying him!’
  • ‘I know I shouldn’t have given him the money, but I did.’ ‘More fool you!’
  • I thought it was safe to leave my suitcase there. More fool me.
  • (there’s) no fool like an old fool
    (saying)an older person who behaves in a stupid way is worse than a younger person who does the same thing, because experience should have taught him or her not to do it
    not suffer fools gladly
    to be very impatient with people that you think are stupid
  • She was a forceful personality who didn't suffer fools gladly.