Definition of folky


dân gian


The term "folky" is often used to describe music, art, or cultural expressions that are associated with traditional, rustic, or rural themes. The word has its roots in the 14th-century English word "folke," which meant "people" or "common folk." Over time, the spelling evolved to "folk," and the term came to refer to traditional music, songs, and stories passed down through generations. In the 1950s and 1960s, the term "folk" gained popularity in the United States, particularly among young people who were interested in American roots music, such as blues, gospel, and Appalachian folk. This movement, often referred to as the "folk revival," led to the creation of contemporary folk music and the term "folky" began to emerge, describing music that was inspired by traditional folk styles but had a more modern, eclectic approach.


simple, friendly and informal

đơn giản, thân thiện và không chính thức

  • They wanted the store to have a folky, small-town image.

    Họ muốn cửa hàng mang hình ảnh dân dã, mang nét thị trấn nhỏ.

done or made in a traditional style that is supposed to be typical of simple customs in the past, but sometimes in a false or artificial way

được thực hiện hoặc làm theo phong cách truyền thống được cho là tiêu biểu cho phong tục đơn giản trong quá khứ, nhưng đôi khi theo cách giả tạo hoặc nhân tạo

  • a folky ballad

    một bản ballad dân gian

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