Definition of flyover


cầu vượt


The word "flyover" originated in the early 20th century, likely from the combination of "fly" and "over." It first referred to a **structure that allowed vehicles to pass over another roadway or obstacle**, emphasizing the elevated passage. The term later expanded to encompass **aerial views of landscapes** during flights, particularly in news reports or documentaries. The association with "flying over" a place or area solidified its use for **viewing something from a distance** and potentially overlooking or ignoring it.


a bridge that carries one road over another one

một cây cầu bắc qua một con đường khác

a special flight by a group of aircraft, for people to watch at an important ceremony

một chuyến bay đặc biệt của một nhóm máy bay, để mọi người theo dõi tại một buổi lễ quan trọng

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