Definition of flush


tuôn ra


The word "flush" has its origins in Old English, where it was spelled "flōs" or "flās." At that time, the term referred to a sudden rush of water, often caused by the opening of a dam or sluice gate. As English developed, the word "flush" evolved to describe things that were forced out quickly, such as a sudden rush of blood to the face (flush of color) or a sudden wave of excitement or emotion (flush of pride, flush of enthusiasm). In the context of plumbing, the term "flush" took on a specific meaning. In the early 19th century, indoor plumbing began to become more prevalent, and the need arose for a term to describe the proper action of a toilet bowl after it had been filled and emptied. The term "flush" was adopted to describe the complete emptying of the bowl, ensuring that all waste material was carried away fully. Today, "flush" continues to be used in both its original plumbing sense and its broader meanings, including the sudden rushing of water, sudden waves of emotion, and a complete emptying of a container.


to become red, especially because you are embarrassed, angry or hot; to make somebody's face become red

đỏ mặt, đặc biệt là khi bạn xấu hổ, tức giận hoặc nóng nảy; làm cho mặt ai đó đỏ bừng

  • She flushed with anger.

    Cô đỏ bừng mặt vì giận dữ.

  • Sam felt her cheeks flush red.

    Sam cảm thấy má mình đỏ bừng.

  • A rosy blush flushed her cheeks.

    Một màu hồng ửng hồng trên má cô.

Extra examples:
  • He flushed scarlet with embarrassment.

    Anh đỏ bừng mặt vì xấu hổ.

  • He made his excuses, flushing guiltily.

    Anh ta đưa ra lời bào chữa, đỏ bừng mặt cảm thấy tội lỗi.

when a toilet flushes or you flush it, water passes through it to clean it, after a handle, etc. has been pressed

khi bồn cầu xả nước hoặc bạn xả nước, nước sẽ đi qua bồn cầu để làm sạch, sau khi nhấn tay cầm, v.v.

to clean something by causing water to pass through it

làm sạch cái gì đó bằng cách cho nước đi qua nó

  • Flush the pipe out with clean water.

    Xả sạch đường ống bằng nước sạch.

  • Flush clean water through the pipe.

    Xả nước sạch qua đường ống.

to get rid of something with a sudden flow of water or other liquid

loại bỏ cái gì đó bằng dòng nước hoặc chất lỏng khác đột ngột chảy vào

  • They flushed the drugs down the toilet.

    Họ xả ma túy xuống bồn cầu.

  • Drinking lots of water will help to flush toxins out of the body.

    Uống nhiều nước sẽ giúp đào thải độc tố ra khỏi cơ thể.

  • Gallons of toxic waste were flushed into the sea.

    Hàng gallon chất thải độc hại đã được xả ra biển.

to force a person or an animal to leave the place where they are hiding

buộc một người hoặc một con vật rời khỏi nơi họ đang ẩn náu

  • They're trying to flush him out of hiding.

    Họ đang cố đuổi anh ta ra khỏi nơi ẩn náu.

  • Hunters are allowed to use dogs to flush foxes from their hiding places.

    Thợ săn được phép sử dụng chó để xua cáo ra khỏi nơi ẩn náu của chúng.