Definition of flunk


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The word "flunk" originates from the 17th-century Scottish and English term "flunk," which means "stubble" or "chaff." Over time, the term evolved to describe something that is useless or worthless, much like the parts of a grain that are discarded during processing. In education, "flunk" specifically refers to a student's failure to pass a course or meet a requirement, with the implication that they have not produced anything worthwhile or substantial. The sense of uselessness or worthlessness is likely what led to the word's adoption in this context. Despite its negative connotations, the word "flunk" has been a part of English language for centuries, and its origins are rooted in the agricultural practices of old Scotland and England.


to fail an exam, a test or a course

trượt một kỳ thi, một bài kiểm tra hoặc một khóa học

  • I flunked math in second grade.

    Tôi trượt môn toán ở lớp 2.

Extra examples:
  • He'd flunked every exam he'd ever sat.

    Anh ấy đã trượt mọi kỳ thi mà anh ấy từng tham gia.

  • The students who are worried usually aren't the ones who will flunk.

    Những học sinh lo lắng thường không phải là những người sẽ bị trượt.

to make somebody fail an exam, a test, or a course by giving them a low mark

làm cho ai đó trượt kỳ thi, bài kiểm tra hoặc khóa học bằng cách cho họ điểm thấp

  • She's flunked 13 of the 18 students.

    Cô ấy đã đánh trượt 13 trong số 18 học sinh.

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