Definition of floorboard


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"Floorboard" is a compound word combining "floor" and "board." "Floor" comes from the Old English "flōr," meaning "ground, bottom, pavement." "Board" comes from the Old English "bord," referring to a flat, wide piece of wood. So, "floorboard" literally means "a board that forms part of the floor." This usage emerged in the 16th century, as wooden boards became a common material for flooring.


a long flat piece of wood in a wooden floor

một miếng gỗ phẳng dài trên sàn gỗ

  • bare/polished floorboards

    ván sàn trần/đánh bóng

  • The money was hidden under the floorboards.

    Số tiền được giấu dưới ván sàn.

Extra examples:
  • She could hear voices through the gaps in the floorboards.

    Cô có thể nghe thấy giọng nói qua những khoảng trống trên ván sàn.

  • The wooden floorboards creaked as he walked down the corridor.

    Sàn gỗ kêu cót két khi anh bước xuống hành lang.

the bottom surface of a vehicle

bề mặt dưới cùng của một chiếc xe

  • a car floorboard

    ván sàn ô tô

  • He had his foot to the floorboard (= was going very fast).

    Anh ấy đã đặt chân lên ván sàn (= đang đi rất nhanh).

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