Definition of flaunt


phô trương


The word "flaunt" has a fascinating history. It originated in the 15th century from the Old French word "flaunter," which means "to show off" or "to parade." The French word is derived from the Latin phrase "flat オ bad" meaning "to strike flat" or "to lie flat," likely referring to the action of laying something flat to exhibit it. Initially, the word "flaunt" had a more neutral connotation, merely describing the act of showing or displaying something. However, over time, its meaning shifted to imply pride or arrogance in showcasing one's possessions, skills, or accomplishments. By the 17th century, "flaunt" had taken on a more negative tone, implying boasting or vainglory. Today, the word is commonly used to describe someone who is intentionally showing off or drawing attention to themselves.


to show something you are proud of to other people, in order to impress them

để thể hiện điều gì đó bạn tự hào với người khác, để gây ấn tượng với họ

  • He did not believe in flaunting his wealth.

    Anh không tin vào việc phô trương sự giàu có của mình.

  • She openly flaunted her affair with the senator.

    Cô công khai khoe mối tình của mình với thượng nghị sĩ.

  • openly flaunting their wealth

    công khai phô trương sự giàu có của mình

to behave in a confident and sexual way to attract attention

cư xử một cách tự tin và gợi cảm để thu hút sự chú ý


if you’ve got it, flaunt it
(humorous, saying)used to tell somebody that they should not be afraid of allowing other people to see their qualities and abilities